Sunday, March 17, 2013

Surprise Image in my Painting

Every once in a while I am surprised by an unplanned image that appears in my painting.
Can you see it?

My first thought, paint over or wipe out the image.  I know the image sends a message, not part of the painting plan, but I am smitten with the Elephant image that is infatuated with the Bird.

In this painting I use several painting techniques, positive and negative, glazing, and mingling and merging of color.

Tomorrow, I'll be on location in the High Desert of Hesperia painting the Joshua Tree Blooms.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Searching for Spring 2013

Joshua Bloom
The Joshua Bloom nestled in
protective spines.
Searching for Spring in the High Desert of Hesperia 2013

I came across the Joshua Bloom with its tight creamy colored textured flowerets protected by spine like leaves.

OK! This is my painting challenge for Monday.  I'll go back on location to paint this bloom.  mmm, I might post a step by step along with the finished painting. Yes?